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Finding JOY in Owning Less?

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About Me

Hi, I’m Angie, and I’m a creative busy-body.

However – as the years have gone by, I find myself striving for LESS busyness and MORE Simplicity in my life.
Can YOU Relate?

If so, read on…..

I like to write and make videos about my motivation to move toward a home filled with LESS stuff in order to make room for MORE of life’s Simple pleasures – more time to devote to the people and experiences (not things) that matter most. Here is how my journey began….

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Browse these categories for more tips and inspiration:
Simple Living,

Simply Creative and 
The Road to Simple videos.

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Suggested Videos:

Learn what pushed me toward minimalism and owning less.
Reduce the items in your closet and eliminate decision fatigue. Yep, that’s a real thing!

View Entire Video Library Here.

More Articles for You:

3 Tidy Tasks for Your Morning Routine
Start your Decluttering Journey off on the simple foot!
Simplify Meal Planning & Shopping
Tips for prioritizing your tasks.
Hang out with me here, on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube and Let’s Become Friends!