UPDATE: Angie’s Originals has closed since this posting, but I still love to reflect on my time and friends made when operating my little business. 🙂 Angie’s Originals held its annual Anniversary and Artists Celebration on Nov. 23, 2013. Wow! Three Years! The time has just flown by! It doesn’t seem that long ago that…… Continue reading Celebrating Our Third Anniversary
Author: Angie Sivori
I'm a creative busy-body on a journey to simplify my life and my belongings.
3 Steps to Turn Dryer Lint into Something Useful
Discover a unique and eco-friendly way to recycle dryer lint. Learn how to make fire starters using just three simple items! #recycling #DIY
Simple Pleasures – Floating the River
Looking for an affordable outdoor adventure? Join Bill and I as we explore the Eleven Point River in Mark Twain National Forest. #outdooradventure
Artists and Friends
UPDATE: Angie’s Originals has closed since this posting, but I still love to reflect on my time and friends made when operating my little business. 🙂 I am blessed to have met so many talented artists and craftsmen and women who contribute their unique creations to my boutique. Craig Rhodes played a major part in…… Continue reading Artists and Friends
Say Hello to Angie’s Originals
UPDATE: Angie’s Originals has closed since this posting, but I still love to reflect on my time and friends made when operating my little business. 🙂 May I introduce you to my little artisan boutique? Why, thank you! I always dreamed of owning my own little business, and in October of 2010 my dream came…… Continue reading Say Hello to Angie’s Originals