I’m so glad you are here!
It means you are ready to take action! Woo! Hoo!
I’ve got several free downloads for you. A micro-course (when you are ready to travel a little further on the Road to Simple) will be coming soon!
7-Simple-Steps-A-Week Decluttering Guide
This is a great way to begin your Decluttering Journey!
And it is my FREE Gift to all NEW-COMERS here!
I’ll personally send you an email once a week for 4 weeks. Each message guides you to take 7 Simple Steps to begin reducing clutter and stress in various areas of your home and life. You’re sure to feel lighter as you complete the steps!
If you are ALREADY A MEMBER of our community and need a copy again: just email me at angie@roadtosimple.com and use the subject line 7 Simple Steps.
Yearly Decluttering Chart
Download this free chart, print it out and post it somewhere you can easily see it daily. You set your goal to whatever number of items you want to declutter. I guarantee that you will be able to declutter MORE than you think once you begin adding tally marks to your chart. The more you declutter, the more you WANT to declutter!
Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning Spreadsheet
I keep this document in my Weekend Basket. It is a handy chart for planning meals for the week and marking frequently purchased items needed from the grocery. View my video or read my post to learn how you can use this every week.

Simplicity Wallpaper for your Phone
Take a screen shot or download these designs to experience a sense of calm each time you click on your phone!
Tip: DECLUTTER the apps you never use, and then categorize the ones you REALLY do by putting them into folders. This helps free up more visual space on your home screen. It also helps break the habit of automatically clicking and scrolling mindlessly each time you pick up your phone.

12 Days of Christmas Self Care
I hope you’ll Join the Road To Simple Community while you’re here!
Birthday Reminder Chart
I keep this in my Weekend Basket for my weekly check-in of tasks. Free Download to be added here soon.
If you have any questions or issues downloading these resources – feel free to contact me here.